Page 13 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 13

All because one of the most vital organs in her body was
                   malfunctioning without her knowing...

                   The good news is...

              In just a few minutes, I’ll reveal all the

                      science and research behind this
           breakthrough 3-minute morning routine...

                   That’s so simple and so easy...

                   You can lose as much weight as you desire and reverse the
                   dangerous side effects of extra belly fat like high blood pressure,

                   type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol without ever leaving your


       Plus, I’ll also share the one forgotten “naked

                              nutrient” that flushes out

              the fat-trapping toxins suffocating your


             liver, and arteries at this very moment...

                   You see, scientists have identified an often-overlooked “nutrient
                   deficiency” that causes women and men over 40 to store more

                   abdominal fat...

                   And it’s often missed by American doctor’s during routine checkups

                   because the research is so new...

                   On the bright side...

                   I’ll also share the secret “apple detox drink” and “tummy
                   tightening tea” my sister Geri drank every morning to jumpstart

                   her fat-burning metabolism..

                   These morning detox drinks were the building blocks of Geri’s

                   weight loss making her feel lighter, leaner, and skinnier day after
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