Page 18 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 18

And as a family they lost 71 pounds in LESS than 2
                 months all because they started eating MORE of this magical

                 green fat-burning fruit and this ONE “naked nutrient” that
                 unclogs the fat from your liver so you can lose more weight...

                      And here I am spending time with Geri before her health

                                          took a turn for the worse...

                   Over the past 25 years, I’ve helped thousands of women and men in

                   their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s...all the way up to their 70’s and 80’s
                   transform their bodies and their lives with my strange yet effective

                   fat-burning methods

                                I’m also a New York Times best-

                           selling author while being featured on
                                CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, and the CW

                           Network reaching millions around the
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