Page 17 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 17

She’s a school teacher from Smithton, IL who lost 23 pounds in
                 just 6 weeks when NOTHING ever worked for her before...

                 And her transformation was so incredible, it ignited the
                 spark in her husband Scott who ended up losing 31

                 pounds in just 6 weeks...

                 Transforming their family in just over a month to willingly

                 receive God’s ultimate gift...

                 You see, Kelly and Scott’s personal transformations were so

                 incredible, it motivated their teenage son Nate to follow in their


                 And since Kelly and Scott showed him the way without saying a

                 single word about eating healthier or exercising because their
                 jaw-dropping results spoke for themselves...

                 Nate lost 17 pounds to skyrocket his confidence and send his
                 self-esteem soaring when most teenagers are more confused
                 than ever...
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