Page 11 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 11

cycle buried deep in

                                                  the human

                                        “She would still be
                                        following the same

                                      information from the

                                        greedy government

                 Lies such as avoiding fatty foods like bacon, cheese, and butter
                 when that’s the exact OPPOSITE of what you should be
                 doing... And she never would have experienced the magical

                 healing methods that added decades onto her life...

                             Look, all I ask is to please give me your full
                             attention for the next few minutes, otherwise
                             you could miss the one piece of critical

                             information that could save your life like it did

                             Geri’s... Now you may be wondering, how
                             do I know all this?
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