Page 29 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 29

And then there’s grapes, where each one contains a mind-blowing
                   15 different pesticides...These nasty pesticides create a hormonal

                   hurricane in your belly leading to inflammation that puffs up your

                   stomach making it nearly impossible to burn fat...

                   Listen, if you look down and have any extra fat hanging off your

                   It’s a clear indication of inflammation in your stomach that acts as a

                   warning sign of some deadly diseases that could be right around the

                   And the scary thing is...

                    Your inflammation keeps spreading as you get
                                            older, until you get

                                        to the point where your
                      belly, your thighs, your butt, even your chin

                    and cheeks are covered in extra inflammation
                                        disguising itself as fat...

                   Sending you a visible signal that you need to make a
                   change...Having extra and unwanted fat is simply a sign from your

                   body that inflammation is taking over and you need to do something

                   about it otherwise you risk the same fate as Geri who nearly died in
                   front of her own kids...

                   After working with tens of thousands of women and men over the

                   past 25 years as a celebrity trainer, I knew how common this

                   “metabolic glitch” really was...

                   And although it seems horrible, like your body is breaking down on
                   you...I saw it as a sign from God because once we healed the inside

                   of Geri’s body, the weight would naturally fall off...

                   The visceral fat wrapped around her belly needed to go, and it
                   needed to go NOW...

                               So I decided to do something
                                with my sister that I’d never

                             done with anyone else before...
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