Page 28 - Fat Burning Fingerprint (Gary Watson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 28

My heart sank...When I asked why, she said he didn’t want them to
                   see their mom in such bad shape...

                   Or scar their memories ever again by watching me nearly die right

                   in front of their eyes...
                   What’s worse is that just a few days before her heart scare, her

                   daughter asked...

                   “Mommy, why is your body so big?” As soon as she told me

                   this, my heart sank...

                   I knew my sister wasn’t happy with her weight, however I didn’t
                   know about the deep emotional scars or miserable moments she

                   was going through at home...Once Geri started talking about her

                   weight, I began thinking about how I could help my sister make a

                   So I asked her what she ate on a typical day...She listed off a bunch

                   of healthy foods and I wasn’t sure if she was telling me the truth...If

                   she really ate that healthy, then why was she carrying around so
                   much extra weight?

                   Then she told me what the doctor said about the “bile acids” in her


                   And the “mysterious metabolic glitch” that was preventing her
                   body from burning fat for fuel...

                   nd instantly a lightbulb went off in my head...

                   So THAT’S why she could never lose weight...Her liver was clogged

                   and wasn’t producing the necessary digestive juices to break down
                   the food she was eating for energy...

                   And when you combine that with all the hidden pesticides and

                   chemicals found on most of the fruits and veggies at the grocery


                   Like apples, where no matter how much you wash or rinse it...A
                   SHOCKING 99% tested positive for at least one pesticide residue

                   according to the Environmental Working Group...
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